The interface is a couple of simple Wimp messages and one *command.

The message is &43B00, and from offset 20 the following text should appear:

   Help_Word [path] page   Performs a lookup
or    Help_Search [path] page    Opens the freetext search window
Path is one of the following:

  • Nothing. All loaded help manuals will be scanned, in the order they appear in the root page of StrongHelp.
  • A comma separated list of help manuals to scan. If the list ends with comma, then all the rest of the manuals will be scanned once the ones in the list are used up.
  • The complete path to the image file. Programs should use this to give help on themselves:
Help_Word <StrongED$Dir> !root
If StrongHelp can't find anything, it will respond with the same message block, but with &43B00 replaced by &43B01. The task can use this to provide other kinds of help. If the task doesn't acknowledge the &43B01 message, StrongHelp will pop up its standard 'not found' message.

The Command is *StrongHelp [path] page. StrongHelp just remembers the line until it regains control from Wimp_Poll, and then treats it as if it had received a Help_Word message.